Thailand Hub of Talents in Cancer Immunotherapy (TTCI Thailand)
Photo by Martin/pexels

A groundbreaking study has brought new hope in the battle against multiple myeloma (MM), a challenging and often incurable blood cancer. Researchers have successfully activated T cells using self-differentiated monocyte-derived dendritic cells expressing B cell maturation antigen (BCMA), a prime target for adoptive T cell therapy in MM.

The team employed a cutting-edge approach by modifying lentivirus-modified self-differentiated monocyte-derived dendritic cells to express BCMA (SD-DC-BCMA). These engineered cells were capable of activating T cells, priming them to specifically target and kill MM cells.

In experiments, T cells activated by SD-DC-BCMA displayed a dose-dependent cytotoxic effect against MM cells expressing BCMA. These activated T cells exhibited significantly higher levels of interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) production, demonstrating their enhanced anti-cancer activity compared to inactivated T cells or control T cells. Moreover, the killing ability of the SD-DC-BCMA-activated T cells was particularly remarkable in BCMA-overexpressing cells, highlighting the specificity and potency of this novel therapeutic approach.

This breakthrough discovery opens up a new realm of possibilities for adoptive T cell therapy in MM. By harnessing the power of T cells activated by SD-DC-BCMA, researchers have established a solid foundation for targeted cancer treatment. This advancement brings optimism and renewed possibilities for patients affected by multiple myeloma.

As further research and development progress, this innovative approach holds great promise for the future of MM treatment. The potential of adoptive T cell therapy using SD-DC-BCMA paves the way for more effective, personalized, and targeted treatments, ultimately offering renewed hope in the fight against multiple myeloma.


ชื่อบทความต้นฉบับ: Cytotoxic T Cells เปิดใช้งานโดยเซลล์ Dendritic ที่ได้มาจาก Monocyte ที่สร้างความแตกต่างในตัวเองกับเซลล์ Myeloma หลายเซลล์
วารสาร: Anticancer Research
ดอย: 10.21873/anticanres.15655