Title and Affiliation Researcher Siriraj Center of Research Excellence for Cancer Immunotherapy (SiCORE-CIT), Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University Division of Molecular Medicine, Research Department, Faculty of Medicine...
Title and Affiliation Assistant Professor (Biochemistry) Brief Description of Research Interest Biochemistry Biophysics Cell and Molecular Biology Biomaterials for Cancer Research Link: https://scholar.kku.ac.th/researchers/106
Qualification Bachelor’s Degree of Science (Microbiology) Title and Affiliation Cell and Gene therapy manufacturing center, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital Brief Description of Research Interest CAGTMC Administration officer
Qualification Bachelor’s Degree of Science (Microbiology) Title and Affiliation Cell and Gene therapy manufacturing center, King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital Brief Description of Research Interest Quality Document control Facility monitoring...
Qualification PhD (Biochemistry) Title and Affiliation Associate Professor (Molecular Biology) Head of Cell Engineering for Cancer Therapy Research Group, Chiang Mai University Brief Description of Research Interest Cancer Immunotherapy,...
Program Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technology program, Graduate School, Chulalongkorn University Thesis Comparative Evaluation of B7-H3 CAR-T Cells with Distinct Co-stimulation Strategies Year: –
Program Medical Microbiology Interdisciplinary Program, Graduate School, Chulalongkorn University Thesis Bidirectional promoters for CAR-T cell Year: 4